
Sunday Session

Free meditation class
for everyone
every Sunday
10.00 – 11.30 AM

Basic knowledge of meditation

Some of the people who start meditating may find themselves struggling from the lack of understanding the true meaning of meditation.

Step of meditation

In practice, there are some steps that you could take to help you relax and bring your mind back to yourself.

Three types of meditators

Three types are composed of tense, loose, and just right. It is important to know which types you really are so you could practice accordingly to those types.

  • Fade away

    Today, the teaching monk reminded everyone about the principles of meditation. You must maintain both consciousness and relaxation during meditation. If you realize you lack something, just take a break, slowly open your eyes, and restart. Don’t think of it as a waste of time; it’s a process of transitioning from thinking to stopping thinking.…

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  • As Indispensable as Air

    Today, the monk shared knowledge about meditation practice, he emphasized the importance of practicing meditation every day and gave tips for meditation. As Indispensable as Air Meditation must become part of your routine, like taking a shower, washing up, and brushing your teeth. It is as indispensable as air. Without it, we cannot thrive. When…

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  • Not postponing your happiness

    Today, a teaching monk reminded everyone about the importance of practicing meditation every day. He emphasized that our time is limited and we shouldn’t waste it with excuses not to practice. When you procrastinate on your meditation, you are essentially postponing your happiness. When you finally decide to come back to it, it will be…

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