A conducive place for meditation practice

If meditation practitioners have suitable qualities and practice in an appropriate place, the practice will yield even more positive results.

The characteristics of a suitable practice location include:

  1. The location should not be too close to communities, avoiding unnecessary disturbances, and not too far from communities, making travel difficult.
  2. The place should be situated in an area where it is not challenging to find the four requisites (food, clothes, resident, medical).
  3. The location should have senior monks.
  4. Monks should approach those senior monks at appropriate times for study and learning.
  5. Senior monks should be capable of teaching and solving problems.

It can be seen that the Lord Buddha places importance on individuals who can solve problems more than on convenient places. If it is not possible to find a ready-made location in all aspects, focus on places where there are capable resident monks who can help solve our problems.

The environment has a significant impact on practice. While theoretically, practice can happen anywhere at any time, in practical terms, for beginners, it is not easy to practice anywhere because there is much to learn. This includes the correct way of practice, potential problems, ways to solve them, and personal challenges that require the understanding and experience of others to overcome.

Cape Town Meditation Centre attempts to create an atmosphere conducive to practice, making it easier for people who come to practice. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to help maintain an atmosphere that supports everyone who comes to practice here.


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