Today, teaching monks share knowledge about the importance of the Tak Bat Devo festival (Devorohana Alms-Giving Ceremony). It is the day that Lord Buddha went to the earth after teaching his mother until she could reach inner peace and happiness. As you can see in Buddhism we believe that the happiness from the inside surpasses even the happiness from the pleasure in heaven.
Lord Buddha praises the happiness from stilling their mind as the peak of happiness and the ultimate goal of everyone’s life. This is also the day that Nagas the celestial beings, who have a physical appearance like a snake, pay homage to Lord Buddha by practicing 8 precepts for 3 whole months and blowing the fireball as a tribute to Lord Buddha.
We could use this as a reminder to ourselves that the result of every good deed can’t be achieved instantly, but it requires time, patience, and perseverance to keep doing it until it bears fruit. So no matter what your experience you might have don’t be discouraged. Continue to meditate and practice Sila daily. One day you will feel the coolness and happiness from the stilling mind that day you will learn that the greatest treasure one could have is our calm and cool mind that has the contentment, the freedom, and the happiness that comes from ourselves without depending on anything and expand limitless.