As Indispensable as Air

Today, the monk shared knowledge about meditation practice, he emphasized the importance of practicing meditation every day and gave tips for meditation. As Indispensable as Air Meditation must become part of your routine, like taking a shower, washing up, and brushing your teeth. It is as indispensable as air. Without it, we cannot thrive. When …


The First Step to Happiness: Choosing Your Company Wisely

Hello everyone, as we embark on a new year, it’s an opportune time to reflect on the pursuit of happiness. According to the wisdom of Lord Buddha, true happiness stems not from external beauty or pleasing sounds but from our own actions. It is the result of good deeds that, in turn, yield positive outcomes …


Dhamma Talk What should you kill would make you happy

What should you Kill would make you happy

If you angry someone it also make you suffer. The suffer will effect to your work, relationship, life and so on. It will be good if you know how to get out of angry. Let’s see the know how from a story that monk SUN will tell you. Dhamma Talk by Monk SUN
