Feel to bring your mind to a standstill

A Feeling of Vast Space

After you relax your body well and you feel really peaceful, you can imagine you are sitting in the middle of a vast space. For example, imagine you are sitting far away from the earth.
Around you is emptiness. You are free and alone. You are sitting in the middle of the universe. Also possible is to imagine you are sitting in the middle of the sea or the ocean. Above you is a big bright blue sky. Beneath is the water. You are so free and relaxed. Atop a mountain is also a good imaginary place. Imagine you are sitting alone on the mountain. You feel how spacious the sky above you is. You see the horizon 360 degrees around you.

space and home
Image by Luminas Art from Pixabay

Feel at Home

Some of us feel very pleasant just to imagine being at home. It can be your comfortable living room or the beautiful garden behind your house. Imagining the moment you will feel really relaxed and be happy to do nothing. You will not try to think or to do anything. It’s time to let your body and mind recharge. Enjoy being with peacefulness by listening to yourself. Observe your relaxed body and later observe what’s inside and appreciate the calmness, peacefulness and stillness which arises in your mind.

Phra Pawithai Vajiravijjo (2016), Inspirational Meditation For Beginners page 25-26 


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