Not postponing your happiness

Today, a teaching monk reminded everyone about the importance of practicing meditation every day. He emphasized that our time is limited and we shouldn’t waste it with excuses not to practice.

When you procrastinate on your meditation, you are essentially postponing your happiness. When you finally decide to come back to it, it will be harder because your mind is no longer familiar with calmness, and you’ll have to start from the beginning. This can be discouraging. So, if you love yourself and want to achieve true happiness, don’t make excuses. Practice meditation every day until it becomes a habit.

In the Buddhist era, there was a monk who was very diligent in his practice and never made excuses. Before traveling, he would meditate, thinking that it would be harder to do so while on the move. Once he was in the carriage, he continued to meditate, believing that if he didn’t, he would be tired after the journey.

When he was healthy, he meditated with the thought that it was best to do so before falling ill. Even when he was sick, he meditated with the thought that it was important to practice before his condition worsened. He continued with this mindset for the rest of his life, and this dedication led him to attain true happiness by not wasting any time on his practice.

We should use this monk as our role model and eliminate all excuses, so we can move closer to happiness and experience it every day.

#meditation #happiness 


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