Magha Puja Day: Teaching of Spreading Peace and Love

On Saturday, 24 February 2024, Cape Town Meditation Centre organized the lighting up candle ceremony due to Magha Puja day. The ceremony was held at 4 pm. – 6.30 pm. This ceremony consists of three parts which are taking five precepts, meditation sessions, and candlelight procession. The ceremony started with paying respect to the triple …


lighting candle

Magha Puja Day: Lighting up candles of Peace

On Sunday, 5 March 2023, Cape Town Meditation Centre organized the lighting up candle ceremony due to Magha Puja day. (Actually, on Monday, 6 March 2023 but we shifted the date earlier for everyone can join)Even though it was raining, everyone was relentless in coming to the ceremony and collecting the merit. The ceremony was …
