Vesak Day 2024

Today, the Cape Town Meditation Center organized a Vesak ceremony to commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Lord Buddha.  The event began with the teaching monk providing insights into the life and virtues of Lord Buddha, emphasizing that “Buddha” is not a name but a position achievable by anyone through strong determination and …


Magha Puja Day: Teaching of Spreading Peace and Love

On Saturday, 24 February 2024, Cape Town Meditation Centre organized the lighting up candle ceremony due to Magha Puja day. The ceremony was held at 4 pm. – 6.30 pm. This ceremony consists of three parts which are taking five precepts, meditation sessions, and candlelight procession. The ceremony started with paying respect to the triple …


Sharing is great

Kindness stands as one of humanity’s greatest virtues. It’s the cornerstone of our societies; without it, relationships are destined to be filled with conflict and frustration. Picture a world where parents don’t nurture their children, friends don’t support one another, and bosses don’t treat their employees well. A life devoid of kindness would lack meaning. …


Cape Town Kathina ceremony 2023

Cape Town Meditation Centre organized a merit-making Kathina ceremony. The contributor groups and more than 200 congregants, both Thais and South Africans, set up a procession of various kinds of flowers, Dhammachakra flags, and national flags, marching around the Cape Town Meditation Centre and moving into the centre of the ceremony. Kathin Chairman’s Committee and …


Discover the origin of the Devorohana Alms-Giving Ceremony

During the 7th Buddhist Lent after the Lord Buddha’s enlightenment, he ascended to the Tavatimsa Realm (the second floor of heaven) to spend the rainy season. Over the following three months, he preached the Abhidhamma Pitaka to his mother and enabled her to attain the fruit of Sotapanna. As the Buddhist Lent came to an …


1 Year Aniniversary

On 27 August, Cape Town Meditation Centre organized a 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲. The ceremony started by monks shared the reason for the centre to spread peace worldwide. Followed by group meditation led by monks. After that, the participants 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 to all the monks to aid sick monks and the exceeding amount will be donated …


lighting candle

Magha Puja Day: Lighting up candles of Peace

On Sunday, 5 March 2023, Cape Town Meditation Centre organized the lighting up candle ceremony due to Magha Puja day. (Actually, on Monday, 6 March 2023 but we shifted the date earlier for everyone can join)Even though it was raining, everyone was relentless in coming to the ceremony and collecting the merit. The ceremony was …
