Three types of meditators

Three types of meditators

There are mainly three types of meditators that we could face. It is also important to know which types you really are so you could practice accordingly to those types. Three types are composed of tense, loose, and just right.

Just Right meditators

If you are just right, you will find it easy to meditate. The time will pass by really fast and you will feel that you want to continue to meditate without concern about the time.

The right thing you should do when you have these feelings is to enjoy it and be with it like when you have a delicious meal you shouldn’t add more things to it just eat it. However, in our life, we tend to not appreciate the thing that easily gets by doing nothing so we will try to add more things to it to make it more flavorful, and most of the time the dish will be ruined. Meditation is quite the same if you are already happy, calm, and comfortable whether there is a thought in your head or not just enjoy it. Don’t try to rush things, expect better results, compare it with others, visualize the object, or recite any mantra

Tense meditators

Normally, tense meditators would have a difficult time during meditation. They usually push too much effort into everything including meditation which makes them feel stressed, uncomfortable, and frustrated.

To improve positive views about meditation so that they won’t see meditation as an impossible thing to do. You should start by relaxing your body and mind every time before meditation and be gentle with yourself slowly adjust your mood until you feel relaxed then you could start meditating.

You should also start with the easiest point in your mind. Someone likes to think about family or god to nurture their mind and soothe their soul. It is perfectly fine so just do anything that would help you relax before meditation then you could throw away all the expectations, all the fear, all the bad mood and just be with yourself. You will find that meditation is reachable and everyone could practice it if they are patient enough and content with things along the way.

Loose meditators

Falling asleep, overthinking when meditating, this is the sign that you are a loose type. You wouldn’t find relaxation to be a problem but concentrate on something that is what you have to improve.

Naturally, every meditator has thought pass through their mind. If they know the way to let it go and ignore it, it won’t be any problem. It will be like water that passes through the pipe. So, when thoughts arrive, you should not panic just be cool with it and as time passes the thoughts will too, from abundant to little, from little to nothing.

You could also raise your focus by reciting the mantra or visualising mental object that could support you and aid you to stay awake and aware of your mind.

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