World peace starts with ourselves

World peace starts with ourselves:
sharing kindness to the war in Israel.

Today, monks lead everyone to meditate and share kindness with the whole world while sharing knowledge about the mind.

Our mind exists but is hard to see, so when our mind gets sick it is also hard to know. Originally, our mind was pure and clear like a crystal ball, however, it loves to travel around to many places, and many thoughts. Gradually, it gets dirty and corrupted by impure things such as frustration, greed, delusion, jealousy, stress, etc.

When your mind is dirty it is difficult to make the right decision without bias. Similar to muddy water even though treasure may lie at the bottom you cannot look past the surface. Making important judgments while having an impure mind is like blindly walking across the road and hoping there aren’t accidents happen. Many problems are caused by the impure so if we want the world to be nicer and more peaceful the starting point would be yourself.

Gently close your eyes down relax every part of your body and bring back your attention to your present self. Let it calm down and when it is completely still, you will feel the freedom that you’ve never experienced before. Then, we could spread this peaceful feeling through the people that we love, we care about, and people all around the world especially in Israel. Hope that the conflict ends and everyone has a peaceful life and is full of happiness.


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