
Sunday Session

Free meditation class
for everyone
every Sunday
10.00 – 11.30 AM

Basic knowledge of meditation

Some of the people who start meditating may find themselves struggling from the lack of understanding the true meaning of meditation.

Step of meditation

In practice, there are some steps that you could take to help you relax and bring your mind back to yourself.

Three types of meditators

Three types are composed of tense, loose, and just right. It is important to know which types you really are so you could practice accordingly to those types.

  • Mind

    The Existence of the Mind

    To talk about meditation, we should start first with the existence of the mind. Do you think that the mind exists or not? For a long time in school and university we study a lot about ourselves. Most of what we learn when we are young is about our body. What we know about ourselves…

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  • Dhamma Talk What should you kill would make you happy

    What should you Kill would make you happy

    If you angry someone it also make you suffer. The suffer will effect to your work, relationship, life and so on. It will be good if you know how to get out of angry. Let’s see the know how from a story that monk SUN will tell you. Dhamma Talk by Monk SUN

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  • Introduction to Meditation

    We have seen more and more people becoming interested in meditation in the last few decades. Everythingaround us has become faster and faster. We can communicate with people who are in another part of the world very easily. Information technology changes our world continuously. Inspite of this we wouldn’t say that people of our modern…

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