
Sunday Session

Free meditation class
for everyone
every Sunday
10.00 – 11.30 AM

Basic knowledge of meditation

Some of the people who start meditating may find themselves struggling from the lack of understanding the true meaning of meditation.

Step of meditation

In practice, there are some steps that you could take to help you relax and bring your mind back to yourself.

Three types of meditators

Three types are composed of tense, loose, and just right. It is important to know which types you really are so you could practice accordingly to those types.

  • energy of mind

    The Mind’s Nature is that of Energy

    The mind can be considered a kind of energy. It’s the same as the sun, wind, flowing water, electricity and so on; it moves. The body is the material part which is fixed and concrete. The mind is the spiritual part which is moving. We use different natural energies in our daily life. They serve…

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  • Meditation is 100% a Mental Activity

    Meditation is an activity we do with our mind. It’s 100% a mental activity. Why? Because during meditation we do not move any part of our body. If you have ever seen a Buddha image or statue, you normally see him sitting with his eyes closed. It’s the image representing his enlightenment and also his…

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  • What is better between meditation in a group or meditation by yourself?

    When I started meditating by myself this is one of the questions that I asked myself a lot so that I could make progress in my meditation experience.  I started meditating in 2014. I went to a camp in the north of Thailand that was arranged by a university club named “Youth”. I was really…

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