When the mind stops

ㆍHappiness When our mind can be still at the center, it can be connected to an energy resource. You feel automatically recharged. Your emotions, feelings, enthusiasm and motivation improve. You feel happier with yourself. You see your environment as more acceptable and friendly. Life has more value. The world around you becomes more enjoyable. ㆍWisdom …


Be Neutral

To have a good personal development with meditation, we suggest that individuals be neutral. It means learning to be calm in every moment regardless of how good or bad it may seem. When we are always neutral inside, it can also be very peaceful because neutrality comes with calmness. Neutrality doesn’t mean being indifferent but …



One important factor for good development is being regular. Meditating everyday but briefly is better than waiting a long time to do it on a special day. Also, we encourage you to maintain a connection to your center even when your eyes still open. You can do any daily activity and spare a little attention …



Once your mind becomes more and more still, experiences will gradually and naturally develop. A mental crystal ball, bright sphere, sun or moon can become suddenly clearer and brighter. If anything arises by itself, let it be. Just observe and continue. An experience is a good sign to show that your mind is starting to …


The expectation is a trap of the meditator

Experiences and pictures are not the objective of meditation practice. What is important is your mind development. All experience is just natural consequences of your practice. Without expectation your mind can be stilled easier. The expectation is always accompanied by worrying. We spend more of our mental energy when we expect things. One right solution …
