How to Quiet Your Mind: Overcoming Distraction During Meditation

Q: During meditation, I am getting more thoughts continuously running in my mind, I am getting distracted by those thoughts and can’t focus on meditation so, help me. 🙏🙏🙏 A: It is possible that you are currently preoccupied with work or unresolved issues, which allows these thoughts to intrude and disturb your mind. Even if …


Begin Your Meditation Journey: Join Us in Cape Town

I Want to Learn Meditation from the Beginning! So, you’ve decided to learn meditation? Welcome to a journey that can transform your mind, body, and spirit. Meditation is not just a practice; it is a path to understanding yourself, cultivating peace, and creating a more meaningful connection with the world around you. If you’re starting …


As Indispensable as Air

Today, the monk shared knowledge about meditation practice, he emphasized the importance of practicing meditation every day and gave tips for meditation. As Indispensable as Air Meditation must become part of your routine, like taking a shower, washing up, and brushing your teeth. It is as indispensable as air. Without it, we cannot thrive. When …


Empower Your Soul: Mindfulness exercises for daily life (4/4)

Practicing meditation effectively is like playing a sport. It requires regular practice. If someone practices intermittently, they won’t become skilled at that sport. The same applies to meditation. Many people spend their days working and taking care of various tasks, leaving little time to meditate. This might not be enough for the mind to settle …
