Various Method of Meditation

Various Method of Meditation

As you learn in step of meditation, you would understand the importance of relaxation before stilling your mind. By relaxing both your body and mind, you will feel more comfortable and your mind would be still easily like a fish that loves cool water and doesn’t want to go anywhere else.

However, in some people’s minds, doing nothing is not enough. Their mind would be wandering around if they do not have something to think about or focus on. In order to solve this problem, you could try many methods and pick the most suitable one for yourself.


You could visualize anything that makes your mind calm and relaxed, for example, you could think about nature or elements such as fire, water, air, or earth. However, the object that you think about shouldn’t lead you to some other thought. If you think about football maybe the picture of your favorite football player will pop into your head and dribble a ball past you. So, the object should be something that is clear and calm your mind down, which I recommend is the crystal ball. It is clear and easy to imagine.

After you have your own object to visualize, you could gently close your eyes and imagine that object. You don’t have to be serious. It is okay if that picture disappeared. you simply have to reimagine it. You could also recite the word that you like together with the picture such as peaceful, peaceful, peaceful. You could do it until you feel like you want to be with the silence and calmness.

Thinking about pleasant thing

Thinking about good deeds that you have done or people that you help will make you feel calm and proud of yourself. This good picture will overlay the bad memories that already occupied your mind and soothe your mind until it ready to stay still

Following your breath

You could simply bring back your mind to your present self and focus on your breath. Breath in deeply, Breath out slowly. Keeping your posture straight to let the air flow more conveniently. Let all of the thoughts pass away and relax every part of your body. Staying with the breath until you want to do nothing.

Set Zero

There are still many methods that I am not sharing with you. But, eventually, every technique that you learn, you could just let go of all of that when you feel like it becomes a burden more than a supporter. Whether it is the picture or sound, you could just be with yourself, and the mind will calm down by itself.

Also, remember that you could feel free to change the method and restart it every time you feel uncomfortable. The suitable method for you today might not be suited to you tomorrow because of the people, the work, the emotions and etc. that passed through you never be the same each day.

Just consider that every time you meditate is your first time so you don’t have to expect anything or rush anything and just enjoy the moment by moment of your meditation and that is the easiest and shortest way to reach inner peace in yourself


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